Amid much delight, work has finally started on installation of the new bells and the frame to support them!
The new frame side and repaired steel work, which was taken off the frame in April, arrived back in Ab Kettleby last night along with lifting gear to raise the heavy components to the bell chamber. The lifting gear was installed, and hatches opened in the tower. Here’s the missing frame side making its way up:
As work has now started, it is not possible to ring the bells until the work is complete. That means no Sunday Service ringing at Ab Kettleby. We will continue a weekly practice night but at a different local tower. Keep an eye on the website/Twitter/Facebook for updates.
The next step work will be to remove the treble and second so they can be taken to the foundry to carry out the the work that is required on them. All being well, it is anticipated that the project should be complete by the beginning of August.